One of the most erotic pleasures you can give your partner involves hot wax. Hot – but not too hot. On their naked body. Dripped onto them, drop by drop. In pretty colours. It’s easy and it’s cheap – here’s how to do it…
First, put down an old towel or sheet, to catch any errant drops of wax. Then, get your partner naked – always a good start. If they enjoy the submissive role, you might like to restrain them. Consider blindfolding them. Depending on where exactly you plan to drop the wax, you might want to shave them – that’s erotic in itself.
Start off off with a few drips from high above your partner, so the wax cools down before it reaches them. Then, slowly bring the candle down nearer to them, so the wax is hotter and hotter. If you want to be mean, you can surprise them with some ice just when they are not expecting it…
You don’t need me to tell you on which parts of the body to drop hot wax, do you? Do keep it out of any open area, though, such as their mouth, for example. Make nice patterns using different colours. Each pack contains four candles: one each of black, red, purple and pink.
Don’t just get some candles at the local hardware store. There are various types of candle and they burn at different temperatures. The ones we like and sell are made from soy wax. They contain no additives such as UV inhibitors, Stearin, Vybar, UV Stabilisers, etc.
Beginners often buy paraffin wax candles, which melt at around 38 degrees, but this soon gets a bit boring! We sell our own soy wax candles, which melt around 54 degrees, so they are hotter when they drop onto the skin (which you can vary by adjusting the height) – which is rather more fun for BDSM…
Each pack contains 4 candles: black, red, purple and pink. Size: 10 cm x 2.5 cm. Weight: 52 g per candle / 208g per 4 candles
We sell these candles on our own store for only £7.99 per pack of four. We ship world-wide. To buy a pack and start having fun, go to
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