Sunday 10th November 2024, 6pm, at a very cool hotel in the heart of the West End, between Piccadilly Circus and Oxford Circus. Two hours of kinky comedy from top performers – how’s that for a night out!!
Doors open at 6pm – there’s a cash bar, of course. Get a drink before the show, which starts at 7:30. Drinks in the interval too. The show ends at 9:30, giving you plenty of time to get a late supper in the West End – or chill out with us on the very cool roof terrace.
Meet our kinky comedy stars…
Ant Dewson, Ant has shared the stage with some of the country’s finest comedians including Michael McIntyre, Micky Flanagan and Lee Mack. He’s slumming it with us again…
Kate Martin, “Kate Martin is brilliantly funny, energetic and a little bit filthy, which I’m sure you’ll agree is a pretty great combo” Angela Barnes
Matt Rouse, a relative newcomer to the comedy circuit, but one who has rapidly made a name for himself as one to watch for the future.
John Robertson Diverse, perverse, the human hurricane
Our compere is the award-winning Ivor Dembina, the comedy circuit’s leading SM Jew, renowned for his brilliant solo show Sadojudaism plus “Editors Pick of the Fringe” at the Edinburgh Festival
Tickets are only £25 – book HERE
The password is – warwickstreet
(In the unlikely event that any tickets are available on the door, they will be £30)
Meantime, questions are welcome – email Tim at
or call 07941 506 922