Alternative Sex, Culture and Literature
BMFC parties are specifically organised for females and couples who appreciate the extras that Black guys bring, and of course for the Black guys who enjoy being appreciated.
In simple terms, that means that single females of any race, culture, religion are welcome at our parties.
Our guests can be any race, colour or creed but as you might imagine, the females that attend our parties are attracted to Black Guys and the male half of the couple fully accepts the fact that his missus may want to play with a Black guy at the party
Single Guys would thus preferably be Black, but nobody is refused entry to a BMFC party based on the colour of their skin
We find that 70% of the ladies who attend our parties are Bi, but that doesn’t mean they will pounce on every lady who attends!
The etiquette for Swinging applies, regardless of sexuality … no means no! …